The international conference "Russian Pulp and Paper Industry - New Realities, New Opportunities" is a key event in this industry. Five conferences have been successfully held annually since 2015. In 2020, due to the second wave of coronavirus infection Covid-19 and the uncertain epidemiological situation in the countries of the European Union, in order to preserve the health of participants, the Organizing Committee was forced to cancel the VI International Conference.
The number of the Conference participants annually totals more than 150 guests: leading speakers from pulp and paper industry, leaders of manufacturing companies, scientific institutions and organizations, representatives of the forest industry business, foreign countries and representatives, industry media, government representatives, Federal Forestry Agency, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade as well as number of governors.
In 2021, the organizers set the task to hold the Conference at a high level, noting the particular importance of this event for the development of not only the pulp and paper industry but the entire forestry complex of Russia as a whole. The VI International Conference "Russian Pulp and Paper Industry - New Realities, New Opportunities" is scheduled from 1st to 2nd December 2022 Istanbul, Turkey.
The Conference is held on the initiative of The Union of Timber Industry and Timber Exporters of Russia, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the operator of the Conference - The Association of Specialists of Pulp and Paper Industry (ASPPI).
We hope to see you among the Conference participants!
Conference Organizers
Union of Timber Manufacturers and
Exporters Russia
Conference Programm 2022
DAY 1 (01.12.2022)
08.30 - 09.15 Registration (coffee)
09.15 - 09.30 Welcome speech from the organizers
09.30 – 11.30 PANEL DISCUSSION № 1
"The impact of the current geopolitical situation on the forest industry; Forecasts for the Development of the Global Pulp and Paper Industry"
Key issues: • Status and trends in the global timber industry, pulp and paper industry; COVID-19 influence; • Global and Russian pulp and paper industry development forecasts; • New sales markets for Russian pulp and paper products, supply chains. |
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 - 14.00 PANEL DISCUSSION № 2 "Russian pulp and paper industry and experience of adaptation to new conditions"
Key issues: • Experience in adapting Russian enterprises to new conditions; sanctions impact on operations; • Domestic pulp and paper market - current state and development prospects; • Measures of state support of the Russian pulp and paper industry development, ways to solve problems; • Investments in the Russian pulp and paper industry in the current realities; • Changes in the regulatory framework to improve the investment climate in the industry • Chemicals, spares, equipment – limitations, new solutions, delivery channels |
14.00 - 15.30 Lunch
15.30 - 17.30 PANEL DISCUSSION № 3 "Operation conditions of the Pulp and Paper Industry as part of the ‘Green Agenda’"
Key issues: • International trade in carbon units: Russian potential; • Forest-climatic projects in the Russian Federation; • Processing of pulp and paper waste; • Extended producer responsibility: new rules; • ESG-strategies of the Russian forest complex companies; • Transition of pulp and paper enterprises to BAT: results, development.
18.30 - 19.00 Cocktails
19.00 – 23.00 Welcome buffet
DAY 2 (02.12.2022)
09.00 - 10.00 Registration (coffee)
10.00 - 12.30 PANEL DISCUSSION № 4 "Operations of P&P mills in new conditions; import-substitution; Growth points"
Key issues: · Development potential of the Russian Federation regions; · Innovations in new products using lignin, pyrolysis, new types of packaging; · Digitalization of processes in pulp and paper industry · Import substitution
12.30 –13.00 Summing up, closing remarks
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
General Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
The VI International Conference "Russian Pulp and Paper Industry - New Realities, New Opportunities" was held at the Shangri-La Bosphorus (Istanbul, Turkey).
This key event in the pulp and paper industry, is held at the initiative of the Union of Timber and Timber Exporters of Russia and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the conference operator is traditionally the Association of Specialists of Pulp and Paper Industry (ASPI).
After a three-year break, the conference was attended by over 200 Russian and foreign experts.
In 2022 the small number of participants from the European Union was compensated by a large number of participants from friendly countries - Turkey, China, India, Iran, as well as a number of countries in the Middle East and Latin America.
Extremely important topics were raised during the discussions. As a result of the Conference in the closing speech of the President of the Union of Timber Industry and Forest Exporters of Russia and co-chair of the organizing committee of the Conference M. Tatsyun summarized, which displayed most of the aspects and problems of the current state and ways of development of the pulp and paper industry in Russia.
During the Gala-dinner an award ceremony was held, where one of our sponsors, the partner bank Sberbank PJSC, was awarded as an effective partner of the Russian pulp and paper industry among financial and credit institutions.
The VI Conference "Russian Pulp and Paper Industry - New Realities, New Opportunities" once again proved to be a convenient platform for such meetings and discussions between producers of pulp and paper products, its consumers, industry and financial investors, representatives of government and professional community of forest and pulp and paper industry, equipment manufacturers.